Are you working on your business not in it? Well done! If not, maybe its time to make it better before bigger?

Are you working on your business or in it? One will lead to great satisfaction and success. The other? Well, time to get better before bigger?

There’s no growing without pains! We’re about to learn about the processes of getting better before bigger!


After listening to or reading this episode you’ll definitely have more of an idea of growing your business in a sustainable way!


We’re making conversations about better before bigger count, with Nick Cramp – Episode 91!


Nick is here to ask us us the questions we all need to know the answers to! Including, are you working on your business or in it?



Are you working on your business not in it? Nick Cramp will bring insight on that question

Big take-away quote from this conversation about getting better before bigger and working on your business not in it with Nick Cramp:

“I think business owners can learn a lot from sport and look at that analogy.

If you want to play at the top level, you’ve got to also give yourself periods to recover, regroup, rethink and all those lovely re prefixes that are really important.”

Nick Cramp, Making Conversations Count – (July 2022)

.(Hard of hearing? Transcript here).

Strapped for data? You can hear a lower-bandwidth version of the episode here.) 

Nick Cramp is a business coach and consultant who helps entrepreneurs achieve sustainable success.


He specialises in working with business owners who are ready to take their businesses to the next level, but may not know how to do so in a sustainable way.


Nick’s approach is all about helping his clients get better before they get bigger.


By working on their businesses not in them, Nick’s clients are able to truly scale their businesses in a way that is both healthy and profitable.


 If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, but aren’t sure how to do so in a sustainable way, then working with Nick Cramp is a great option for you.


Nick’s focus on helping his clients get better before they get bigger will help you build a strong foundation for long-term success.

Scroll down to continue reading this episode in which Nick Cramp shares how you can get working on your business not in it!

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Thinking man Nick Cramp - illustration for his episode about working on your business not in it

What is working on your business not in it?


When you work on your business, you’re not working in it. This means that you’re getting better so you can be bigger and truly scale your business in a sustainable way.


Working on your business not in it is a mindset.


It’s working on the business, not just in the business.


When you’re working in your business, you’re bogged down with the day-to-day tasks that keep it running. You’re putting out fires and dealing with emergencies as they come up. You’re working in your business, but you’re not working on your business.


Working on your business means taking a step back from the day-to-day to work and instead focusing on long-term projects that will help you scale.


It means delegating and systemising the tasks that can be done by someone else so you can focus on high-level strategies. It means making decisions that will have  a positive impact on your business in the long run, even if they’re difficult in the short term.


In short, working on your business not in it is about making decisions that will help you grow sustainably.


So, how can you tell if you’re working on your business or working in it?


Here are a few signs:


  • You’re always putting out fires instead of working on long-term projects.
  • You’re working more than 40 hours a week and you can’t see a way to delegate or systemise anything.
  • You don’t have time for self-care or to spend with loved ones because you’re too busy working.
  • Your business isn’t growing, or it’s growing slowly.
  • If you’re working on your business, not in it, you’ll see sustainable growth over time.
  • You won’t be working yourself to the bone, and you’ll have systems and processes in place to help you scale.

So, ask yourself: are you working on your business or working in it?


If you’re working in it, what can you do to start working on it?


It may be difficult at first, but making the switch will pay off in the long run. Your business will thank you for it!

John Hamm businessman doing business gif

In the episode Wendy Harris and Nick Cramp get into a discussion about the importance of using good rules and habits.


Disciplines as some like to call it.


As explained, one of Wendy’s rules is no phones in the evening.


Some other rules and habits might be ;


  • working a certain number of hours on your business each week
  • having regular check-ins with your accountability partner
  • reading or listening to educational content for 30 minutes each day
  • writing out your goals and review them regularly
  • taking time out for yourself each week to reenergize and refocus.


The key is to find what works for you and stick to it.


If you can do that, you’ll be well on your way to working on your business not in it!

(Want to read the transcript right now? You can do so here.

Strapped for data? You can hear a lower-bandwidth version of the episode here.) 

Relevant quote from episode – click here for full transcript

Wendy Harris

At 6 o’clock at night, if the dinner isn’t on and cooking for the family, and it should be, the phone gets put upside down on charge on the side in the kitchen and I don’t look at it again then generally until I go and make a cup of tea, about 8 o’clock or get a drink and I’ll look at it once more before bed. So I actually spend my evening without my phone.



It’s so important, though, isn’t it, to establish those rules with yourself almost, isn’t it? Those kind of good habits? Because the challenge for leaders now is they can work 24/7 if they want to. There’s always an email that needs responding to, there’s always an idea that needs progressing, but the quality just goes down. You can’t maintain the quality if you’re doing that many hours. And I think the quality is the essential ingredient that you can’t replicate. So I think the first time leaders or experienced leaders makes no difference. I think that leading on your own terms, in your own way, is so important, but finding your own kind of way of working is really essential. And like you, if you can find that rhythm that works with family and the work and your personal needs, it’s a really important discovery, isn’t it?

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When did Andy Murray actually win Wimbledon

Nick’s main point in this episode is the ‘compound growth’ effect.


You can’t get bigger before you get better.


That’s not sustainable.


He uses Andy Murray’s Wimbledon win as an example.


Andy Murray won Wimbledon in 2013.

But he didn’t just win at that one tournament, on that day.


He had to put in years of hard work to get to that point.


It’s not like he just showed up on the day of the tournament and won.


Not only did he have to beat some of the best tennis players in the world.


He also had to get his mindset right for the match.


And he had to get his mindset right for the training for the match.


The same is true for businesses.


You can’t scale a business if you’re not working on it.


You have to be constantly improving your product or service.


Otherwise, you’ll never be able to sustain growth.


So, if you’re working on your business, not in it, and you’re constantly trying to get better, then you’ll be in a much better position to scale .


Of course, there’s no one answer to the question of how often you should be working on your business.


But if you’re not working on it at all, then you’re not going to be able to improve and scale.


You have to find a balance that works for you.


And you have to be constantly asking yourself if you’re working on your business, not just in it.


Otherwise, you’ll never be able to truly scale your business sustainably.

Schitts Creek self-sabotage gif

Upgrading rather than outgrowing


The difference between upgrading and outgrowing a business is complex but important to understand.


Most businesses start small, with just a few employees or even just the founder working alone.


As the business grows, it will inevitably reach a point where it needs to upgrade to continue expanding. This might mean hiring new staff, moving to new premises or investing in new equipment.


However, there’s a danger of confusing upgrading with outgrowing.


Just because your business has reached a certain size doesn’t mean it has to keep growing indefinitely.


There comes a point where further growth is no longer possible or desirable – and that’s when you need to focus on upgrading.


Upgrading means making improvements and changes so that your business can continue to thrive, even if it doesn’t get any bigger.


It might mean introducing new systems and processes or improving the quality of your products or services.


Outgrowing, on the other hand, is simply expanding for the sake of it.


It’s often driven by ego – the desire to be the biggest and best in your industry.


But this kind of growth is often unsustainable and can lead to problems down the line.


So before you start chasing growth, ask yourself: are you working on your business or in it?


If you want to upgrade rather than outgrow your business, focus on making improvements that will help you thrive, even if you don’t get any bigger.


(Relevant quote from episode. Read the full transcript here).

“It’s what I classify as the success trap, because they’ve got there because their business is successful and they’re overwhelmed by the success. And what they’ve got in place in terms of people, processes and structure, were great when they were smaller, but they’ve outgrown them. But they haven’t upgraded them. They’d be making do with something which is no longer fit for purpose, but because they’re busy growing all the time, they haven’t got the time to actually address them. They kind of know deep down that this is not right, but, hey, the phones ringing and there’s someone else that loves me, there’s another client, there’s more money.”

You’ll learn….

This episode of “Making Conversations Count”, in which Nick Cramp shares his secrets for working on your business not in it:

  • What Nick does
  • Working on your business not in it
  • Good rules and habits
  • Nick’s conversation that counted

Wendy’s takeaway

“The conversation emphasises the importance of working on your business rather than in it – that is, making improvements so that your business can continue to thrive, even if it doesn’t get any bigger. Nick uses the example of Wimbledon winner Andy Murray to illustrate this point, highlighting the years of hard work and dedication that go into achieving success.


I could actually use my own analogy of starting this podcast two years ago.


I had maybe 20 listeners per week.


But those early episodes allowed me practice my craft, and attract new listeners I can now enjoy sharing conversations with.


And thousands of people around the world are reguarly listening to my British Podcast Awards nominated show.


I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t done the hard work back then!”


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“Making Conversations Count” is a podcast from WAG Associates founder and telemarketing trainer Wendy Harris.

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Spoiler alert: want to read the conversation that counted in this episode about working on your business not in it with Nick Cramp?

You like to ruin the plot twist huh? OK, not judging. Here you are.

Wendy Harris

Everybody that comes on the show, I always say to them, have a think about one conversation that created a turning point for you, your pivotal moment.





Wendy Harris

Are you ready to share that with me now?



I am with some embarrassment, but I will share!



Ooh! Because I don’t get to know this prerecord, so I’m hearing this live. Oh, right. I’m bracing myself.



About six years ago, I spent a couple of years working for a US based coaching company called EMyth. So I went and trained as an EMyth business coach. And EMyth used to provide clients with the coaches and we had a cohort of coaches that joined the same time as me and we had a coaching supervisor. So we were kind of in a semi competitive environment with each other because we were looking at who could generate the most work, all of those growth metrics. And I was very hooked. I like games, I like competing, and I was very hooked on volume and quantity. And then one day I got a call from the coaching supervisor who said, “Nick, I don’t know how to break this to you, but you’ve been sacked by one of your clients and they’ve gone to a different coach.” And I was like, what? Only spoke to him two days ago. And it transpires that he didn’t feel I was paying attention, he didn’t feel I was present enough in the relationship. And I realised that what I was doing at that stage. I had 18 clients on my books and I just had too many coaching calls, too many coaching conversations, and I was just dialling it in, I was just going through the motions. I wasn’t present in the relationship because I put the volume and the quantity ahead of the quality, I’d sacrificed the quality of the work I did for first place on the scoreboard for that kind of vanity metric. And it made me realise that I have got one chance, one point with that relationship and I’ve got to be all in when I’m speaking with that person. I’ve got to turn up as a professional, I’ve got to prepare for my sessions, I’ve got to deliver with intensity and I’ve got to follow up, which sounds really basic, but once we get busy, it’s often those basics that go out the window.


Wendy Harris

Yes, I understand.



And it took me that moment where I’d been sacked without realising, to suddenly have that wake up call that, “Hang on a minute, that’s not who I am as a coach. That’s not who I want to be”. I then pivoted into creating my own coaching programme, which was very much focused on this target segment of clients. So rather than trying to offer average quality to a lot of people, I want to offer really high quality to the right segment of people. And that was my kind of pivot from that moment,


Wendy Harris

Which ties in really nicely with that better before bigger, doesn’t it?



And that was, I think, the first germ of that, where the books are germ before you kind of write it. But I think that was kind of two years before I actually started putting stuff on paper. But it was probably the moment when I realised that doing it like that just wasn’t going to cut it for me. I need something deeper. I need a deeper relationship with fewer people, rather than a shallow relationship with lots of people.


Wendy Harris

I think this is something where we can agree, actually, Nick, it’s that accountability to our clients. My clients tend to… they’ve been to my wedding, we go for drinks, they become lifelong friends. They’re not necessarily people that know my family, but they know of my family and I can talk and they can tell me about theirs as well. So it sort of becomes not just on the business surface of things that you’re involved. I realised it personally when I did the mental health first aid of training years ago, that I thought, gosh, I’m taking on such a responsibility because I’m intrinsically linked to their business growth through the work that I do. And I realise that business is personal. I don’t care what anybody says, you’re working hard. It’s effectively your money, even though the accountants will say it’s in a limited company and it’s not yours. I’m sorry, but it is, because if you didn’t work for it, you wouldn’t have it.



Quite agree.


Wendy Harris

You don’t want to give it away unless you feel like you’re getting something back for it. So going on the mental health training was a way for me to be able to help protect me, but do a better job of looking after my clients as well and their expectations and this sort of thing. And it opened up a much deeper level of relationship because my awareness translated to their awareness.



It’s a two way relationship, isn’t it? I get from my clients energy and inspiration and hopefully they hold me accountable in the same way I’m holding them accountable. And it’s reciprocation, which makes both parties better, because we’re both showing up to the relationship in a more intentional way. They’re asking more of me and I’m asking better questions of them. And we’re kind of like two people playing tennis together. You’re raising the game simultaneously, you both end up playing at a higher level.


Wendy Harris

It’s when you get to that point where you almost settle. You’ve settled for what you’ve got, that you go, well, hang on a minute. Is this actually where you want to be before you go into the next season?




And it’s what I call the okay syndrome, where things aren’t broken in a business, they’re just okay, but they’re not really inspiring anybody, they’re just at that level where they’re getting by and it’s trying to, with ourselves included, do the work to get to that next level, whatever that looks like.


Wendy Harris

Yeah. And I think going back to what you were saying about the last two years, I know, certainly I’ve been on a massive transformational journey, but I felt that that was the only thing I could do. It was that or quit. And I think there’s a lot of people out there that will go, do you know what? I feel the same. I could just quit. But why throw it all away? It’s the way it is. I accept that. That’s how it’s always been.



And it’s sad because I think that people do get lost in their own businesses. People do kind of fail because they don’t seek support from others. And I think there is so much available to help people in whatever areas they need it now. It’s a brilliant time to run a business.


Wendy Harris

Yes. It’s about recognising that there is something that needs to be better, and hence the show “Making Conversations Count”. You don’t know where the conversation is going to lead and it’s who you have those conversations with that can seriously be the change that you need.



Yeah. And they say that you are influenced by the I can’t remember the number. Is it the five or six people you spend most time with?


Wendy Harris




And it’s really important, isn’t it, who we choose to spend time with? Like most people, I suppose. During the first six months of the first lockdown, I spent loads of time in network groups online and realised I was in totally the wrong room because I was getting nothing from the room. I was being de energised rather than ever. But also lots of negative people, lots of dumbasses that were just bringing me down. It was just kind of like and I’d end up coming off called exhausted. And I think all I’ve done is listen to people and I feel tired. And it’s really important having it with conversations that we consciously choose who we spend time with.


Wendy Harris

Well, Nick, I think there’s been some real value. Thank you so much for sharing what you do and how you help people. And of course, the better before bigger concept, and working on your business not in it. I think we can all bear that in mind on a daily basis. So if anyone wants to carry on the conversation with you, where’s the best place for them to find you hanging out?



So there are two places where it’s easiest to contact me. One is on my website, which is And the other is to find me on LinkedIn. And I’m always happy for a connection and a conversation on LinkedIn. That’ll be great.


Wendy Harris

Yeah, just mention the show or just say, oh, I heard you talking to Wendy. And Nick’ll know where you’ve come from.



That would be great.


Wendy Harris

It’s been fantastic to talk to you, Nick. Thank you so much.



Likewise, Wendy. Thank you for your time. It’s been a pleasure to be your guest.


Wendy Harris

Thank you.



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Click this box to read the full Episode Transcript - Conversation around etiquette and manners - "Making Conversations Count"

Blaine Oelkers

You’ll read about:


You’ll hear:


Blaine and his TEDx Talk (1m02s)

Chief Results Officer? (3m47s)

Observations of business owners and entrepreneurs who struggle with results (12m19s)

Change doesn’t happen quickly enough but stick at it because it’s worth it! (23m25s)

Blaines’s conversation that counts (30m13s)


Blaine and his TEDx Talk (1m02s)


We all have these little idiosyncrasies that we like to hang on to... 21 seconds... an hour. If I was to say to my daughter, you've got all day to tie to your bedroom, guess what? It takes her all day to tidy her bedroom. So it's got to be the same in business. If you tell me I've only got 20 minutes to do something, I'll get it done with spare time!



Yes. Everything from when people argue for the limitations they get to keep them, to it's the lens that you look through that actually creates your life. So I call it the lens of the future, but that is so key. And then finding practical ways to program the subconscious mind to help you. Right. I did a TEDx Talk where I asked people to change the unlock screen on their phone. And so now, for years, I've been getting great feedback from people saying that made a big difference in their life. So whatever you're trying to bring about, you put that on your unlock screen. You can also have your family stuff, and then you can make a customized image. But many people have nothing. They have, like, the default unlock screen, which is interesting, but you see that screen, you unlock your phone 60 to 150 times a day. So it's a real strong way to keep putting what you want to bring about, what you think about what you bring about. It's a way to program that subconscious, but it's super powerful, and you're so right. That how you see it creates the reality. And if people get that, that's a big breakthrough.



Confession time. I did the unlock screen on my phone, and it was a picture of myself in actual fact, when I felt that I looked the best, I was slimmer, no Covid pounds. And it has been working because initially I was looking at it and thinking, this is I really don't like this. But it has had an impact. It's changed with what I eat, the what I drink, the getting up and moving more. So I'd say to anybody, just give it a try!




Yeah. Agreed. A lot of this stuff is self evident. Just try it for a little while. And you may not see it consciously, but your subconscious mind is still seeing it. And maybe you change it. Maybe you turn it to the side or you add some words to it. You can also kind of mix it up. I like to mix mine up every couple of weeks, but it's having the same core thing on there,


Chief Results Officer? (3m47s)



No, it is interesting. So what got you to become the chief Results officer then, Blaine?



So, for me, there were two moments of dawning comprehension where the world changes almost on a single thought. And for me, the first one came in college. I went to Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, and I've always been kind of maybe like you and the listeners. I've been a little bit of a seeker, a seeker of knowledge. How can I do better? What could I do better? And so I saw this ad for an audio cassette tape. So I'm kind of dating myself. This was back in the 80s, but when I went to college and I sent away for this audio cassette, which was an abridged version of "Think and Grow Rich", it was actually this guy Earl Nightingale reading "Think and Grow Rich". And I got that audio tape, and then I subsequently purchased the book, and I realised there that "Think and Grow Rich". Now, the book is about Think and Grow Rich, but the riches can be anything. It could be financial, he talks about that, but it could be harmonious relationships, your health. And that's where this concept of what you think about you bring about. That was where I first got that. And I realized, now, wait a second, I'm in a lot more control than I realized. And I had a lot of success because of that initial reading of that book. And actually, I met my wife. We've been married 30 years, so I met her.






Yes. That was kind of the first thing that started me on the journey there and started kind of taking control of myself a little bit more. But then the big change, the big dawning comprehension moment number two. I came back from a business trip, my degree's in computer science, I was working as a software engineer, and I came back from this long business trip, and my son Beau, he was one year old, and he was, like, giving me the cold shoulder when I came back. And I said, hey, Beth, what's going on? What's wrong with Beau here? And she said, well, you were gone so long, he kind of forgot who you were. And I was like, what? I mean, that hit me emotionally pretty hard at night. And I realized when I was a kid, I'd come home to an empty house. Both my parents worked. And so that night I had this moment of dawning comprehension, and I made a clarifying decision. Now, when you make a clarifying decision, it kind of like, cuts out a lot of other decisions, cuts out a lot of noise and really focuses you almost like a laser on one thing. And that decision was that I was going to be a work from home dad. And so it took me a year. It took me a year to get there because we were kind of conservative and wanted to save up enough money and have living expenses in the bank. But anyway, a year later, my wife said, if you can make more on your side hustle thing, whatever you're doing here from home, and you make more money at that than you do from the job or even the same, then you can go, you can cut away the job. So I did that. So it took me a year, but I did that and I left my job. And that was 27 years ago. And so for the last 27 years, I've been working from home, running businesses that really have no daily operations. So I've been able to do a lot of self development and that's what led me on the course to become the Chief Results Officer. I started helping people. I created a company called Selfluence, which is really kind of the art and science of influencing yourself. But more than that, it's the power that you already have to influence yourself. You don't need any special software, you don't have to buy anything else. You have it all kind of within you. And I started helping a lot of mastermind groups and they said, hey, you're helping us get results every week. We're going to call you the Chief Results Officer. I'm like. Oh, I like that. So I like the title. I took the title and then I went to the US Patent Office and I registered the title. So now I can say I'm America's only Chief Results officer. But anyway, I've been doing that and I think that's why I'm here. I think God has me on the planet to help people take control of their lives by taking control of themselves. So that's what I've been doing. Now, pretty much 27 years from home, kids are out of the nest now, so I have a lot more time to serve clients than I did before, but I really do enjoy it.



What a benefit for Beau, really? And gosh, we say this so often on this show is that there are things that you can do that can help and aid us, but ultimately it comes back to self. It doesn't matter. So you're saying that you decided to do something. Reminds me of Rob Begg who's a past guest as well. He's also a mindset expert and he says if you decide, you've also got to commit and that's effectively what you've done. So there's a lot of entrepreneurs out there that I think they decide that they're going to work for themselves, but they don't commit. Do you see that it goes hand in hand?



I do. And I think there's a third component, and that is the action right there. There's a famous joke. Three birds are sitting on a tree, one decides to fly off. How many birds are left? And the audience typically says two, but no three. One made a decision, but they didn't fly off, they didn't take the action right. So I think what you think about, you bring about that. It's a combination of you make the decision right, and then you need to commit to that decision, but your commitment shows up in action. And so it's the action steps you take that kind of determine if it's real or not. And I will say that many decisions and desires kind of die on the vine because they're not strong enough for that person. And you can tell they're not strong enough if they don't want to wake up early, stay up late, and really put the action behind it. Right? And that's where you see the people really begin to move forward, because it's even taking the action. Even if you're going in the wrong direction, at least you're moving. They say you can't steer a parked car. You got to be moving. You got to take action. And it's in the action that really you kind of learn more about it, and then it can either grow, or you might realize that you're heading in the wrong direction. But that's okay, because it's in the knowing of where you're going. That's the fun part. And I like to tell people, you can't change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction. So if you figure out where you want to go, you can point in that direction and then start to move there. But in turning and facing, like, whatever it is you really want in life, you're going to feel the energy chemically. You're going to get excited about it, you're going to feel it.



It's a bit like stepping out into the sunshine, isn't it, and feeling it on your face. It is that much of an impact. But that's great course correction, isn't it? If we have these navigation systems built in, we are also tied to the magnetic force. So why do you think we have moved away so far from what comes naturally to us? Blaine, what's your take on that?



When you can get back to these core things? It feels good, it feels right. But today, more so than any time in the history of the world, is that there are so many distractions, and the level of distractions are so high. And everybody that I know has one of these, which is a smartphone, a cell phone. And so that can be like the greatest tool of productivity or the most evil distraction machine known to man or woman. For me, it's the level of distractions number one, and the loss of think time. That would probably be number two. Of time where you are... it's almost like more shower time, where there's no phones, there's no electronics, there's no outside world. People need more of that. I tell them, your phone has airplane mode. That's not just for airplanes. You can use it during the week, too. But I think lack of Think Time and distractions are the two things that pull you away, maybe even from who you are, who you want to be, your self development. So switching, that is possible, right? So switching, removing distractions. Right. So my family isn't super happy about it, but I've removed all the rings. Dings and dings. My phone never rings. If I'm expecting a call, maybe I'll look for that. But typically, I never answer the phone, and I've really cut down the distractions, number one. And then number two is I put a lot of think time back into my day and into my life and I think that makes a big difference.


Observations of business owners and entrepreneurs who struggle with results (12m19s)



What's your observation then, Blaine, of working with entrepreneurs and business owners that are struggling with that productivity and getting the results that they need? What's the first place that you sort of get them to be doing something slightly different?



I serve primarily business owners and the number one problem is overwhelm. Too many things to do and they're typically a day behind or more than a day behind things. And so what I like to do is first of all, show them that there is something to go after and I call it a day ahead. And so I like to take entrepreneurs from being a day behind to just being behind to being caught up, to being ahead to being a day ahead. And there is this thing, I call it the day ahead lifestyle which I live most days now, not every day, but most days I'm a day ahead. So when I wake up there may be some appointments like this podcast, but all the to-do's are done. Like I have no to-do's for the day and I'm working on tomorrow's to-do's. And so this concept of moving into that just first of all know that it's possible to be a day ahead. And my wife is back in school now getting a master's degree and she likes to be a week or two weeks ahead on homework and other things so you can get there. But the first thing is you've got to handle the overwhelm. And so typically what I see that works the best is to do some kind of a mind dump of all these things that you have to do. Now if you just do a mind dump alone, you're going to be more overwhelmed but guide them through. So get out a piece of paper and start to write down what are all the things that are top of mind. They're swimming around, oh, I've got to do this for this client or I got to do that. I've got these appointments, I've got to do this with the products, whatever it is. You have all these things swimming around and write all those things down and spend at least 15 minutes doing that and then take maybe a five minute break and then come back, maybe go a little bit deeper. Also, sometimes I provide a lot of prompts, a lot of questions to kind of pull more and more stuff out of your head and get it on paper. So the last time I did that in a big way, I ended up with 453 items on my list.






Super overwhelming. Look out. Yikes. But the key is that you must immediately process the list. So it's in the immediate processing of the list that the overwhelm begins to subside. Because what I mean by processing the list is that you put an end next to things you can do now, something that takes less than five minutes. If it's a bigger project, I also say, look, why don't you write to the right of it? What's the next step on that? It might just be scheduled meeting with so and so, send somebody an email, something that's quick and fast. But you write an N next to those things that you can do now, and then you write an S next to things that need to be scheduled. They need to be done in the next, let's say, a week or so. And then D is next to things that you can delegate, you can give to someone else. Not that you're going to do it, but you could do it. It's possible to delegate. And then L, which should be the most used letter of all, stands for later. And those are things that are not pressing, let's say, in this week. Now, sometimes people do it just for the day. Like, what am I going to do today? Some people might do it for a month or a quarter. But one of those things that you can let go a little bit, you can put on the later list. And most of the time, like out of my 400, I don't know, probably 300, something of those were later items. But they're out of my head now and they're on paper. And then what happens is then you go after you take maybe 30 minutes and do a bunch of the Ns, get a little... start winning the battle of the brain chemicals, get the dopamine going, the serotonin, you're getting stuff done, you're moving forward. Then the bigger ones, you schedule those into your calendar, maybe you see what the next small step is again, win early, win often. And that starts to get them out of the overwhelm and get them into kind of high value, productive action. That's one thing I do. The other thing is that all entrepreneurs and business owners, most people, want to compress time. And so I do have a framework called the 30 Minutes Hour. It's how to get an hour's worth of stuff done in just 30 minutes. So sometimes I walk them through that framework as well, because if they can compress time, they're winning.



Yeah, there's a lot about what you've said there that comes back to feeling in control of the situation, isn't it? And thinking is just energy, isn't it? You've got all these thoughts and they're just randomly popping in and out of your attention span... by putting them down on paper makes perfect sense because you can look and it not take up your attention of worrying about it because you've already decided how you're going to do something with it. Is it next? Is it later? Is it a big thing? But it frees your energy up to be laser focused on the tasks that you really do need to do. And there's just that feeling of striking off things off your list, isn't there? That satisfaction of done that, done that... the fact that you've gotten to the end of a list is an achievement itself. But getting into the habit of doing that on a daily basis, that's got to be where the results are coming from.



Yes, you're exactly right about those open loops and all that thing that's swimming around in your head that you have to keep remembering, right? And when you get rid of those things now you've got some more room, some more capacity and you even feel better, like you said. And then also you're right about the checking off the list. A lot of times I'll ask business owners, have you ever done something and it's not on your list but you write it on your list so you could check it off? We've all kind of done that. But that gives us the dopamine that like physically shows up. You get a little square of dopamine in your brain and it feels good. Your body, your mind, it wants you to get stuff done, right? So it rewards that. So you are right. And a lot of it is how you think and what you think about you bring about and how you think makes all the difference and actually changes your reality. I call it the lens of the future. But how you say or say to yourself or how you think the prediction of the future is going to go, that is what you're going to end up creating, right? So the story I like to tell about that is let's say that I say, Wendy, look, I'm sorry but today is going to be one of the worst days of your life. And so then you go out and you're like, I don't know if Blaine's right or not. And then you're almost hit by a car and you say, wow, look, Blaine was right. I was almost hit by the car and you're shaking and you're like, oh my, what else is going to happen? And physically, brain chemical wise and physically, you get scared and you kind of get small and you're worried about the rest of the day right? Now if the same morning I said to you, Wendy, today is going to be one of the best days of your life. You're looking through a different lens but the same thing happens. You're almost hit by the car and you go, well Blaine was right. I was saved. Like, why was I saved? God still has something for me to do on this planet. I'm still here. And then you're exuberant. Now there's a little fear from the accident almost happening but right out of that you come up and you're not down, you're up. And the brain chemicals and your physiology is all like, this is a great day, what else is going to happen? Great. And so the same circumstances happened, but you created the reality based on the lens that you're looking through, and that is some of the biggest brain science and discoveries that are happening now is that you create that world based on that lens. So have you found that to be true in your...



Yeah, all the time. For me it comes down to language and it can be habitual. It's conditioned what we pick up from other people. You know that saying of who you surround yourself with, if that's negative, then that brings you down. I'm a positive kind of person in the main and it's hard if you're the only positive person sort of bringing the negative people up as well. So yeah, for me it's an energy thing. Everything is around energy and if you use the wrong language, it's like saying, oh, I nearly got hit by a car, but Blaine said it was a good day. You go, my luck was in and yet, it's got absolutely nothing to do with that. So it reminds me a little bit of the Matrix movie series that literally you can design the life that you want. How badly do you want it?



Yeah, agreed. And you're right about the people you hang around with. And I'm all for helping people, but I don't like maybe a third of the time I can be around people that are, let's say, at a lower frequency and have issues and I want to help them. And then a third of the time I like to be around people kind of my own energy level. And then another third of the time though, I want that higher energy. Right. I want to be kind of like you said, moving up and it can be tough. The other thing is if you're stuck in that lower energy or in that I call it head trash...



It's a good term.



Yeah, everybody has head trash. Now, my head trash, because I do a lot of things, is small and it's in the corner, but it's still there. And actually I do this thing called a mind shower every morning to kind of take the head trash out. But I like to tell people who are stuck with a lot of head trash that the solution to pollution is dilution. So if you ever see like if there's a liquid, a dark liquid in a beaker, the more clear water they add, it'll get less and less and less and less and soon it will be clear. What I find is the ratio is different for everybody. Like I need maybe a five to one ratio. So if I have 1 hour around negative people and bad things, I need 5 hours of positive. I got to pour in the positive to dilute down that negative. But realize that it is a bit of a battle, but like you said, what are you pouring in? Who are the people you around? What are you listening to? What are you watching? What foods are you eating? That all has energy and vibration, too. So you can really pour in so much of the higher vibration stuff that it does begin to minimize and kind of there's this little point where it'll flip over and you'll feel like you're in control of those thoughts rather than those thoughts and that negativity being in charge of you.


Change doesn’t happen quickly enough but stick at it because it’s worth it! (23m25s)



And you're right, really. That energy, the dark water into the clear, that's like recharging a battery, isn't it? When you need to go and find some positive to sort of just, you know... and I would say that people give up too soon. You can be adding clear water in and adding positivity into that dark water. And it could just be that you're just frustrated that the change is not happening quick enough. Please just stick at it because it's worth it.



Yeah, it is worth it. And realize that there's some people that will pour the dark ink back in the water, right? So you have to start to guard the inputs of your life, guard the inputs of your brain and your body. Because sometimes people don't even mean to do it. It's unconscious to them, but they are negative towards you or low energy.. so yeah keep pouring the positive and keep pouring it in big doses. I remember my favorite mentor is this guy Jim Rohn... I don't know if you remember...



Yeah, I know Jim Rohn.



Yeah, he's my favorite guy. I got to meet him and host him at an event one time and for him, he had this series, it's called The Power of Ambition, which I listened to on audio cassettes. Again, back to the dating myself. But I listened to that program 50 times in a row because I was at a point in my life where that's what I needed and I could finish the sentences of that program, but that's what I needed. That's what I needed to really get through some tough times. I mentioned before that I broke free from my job. But if you realize at that point we had a one year old son, I had a 50 hours week job and I started two other businesses at the same time. I mean, my marriage almost didn't make it through that year. So now we made it through that year and many others. But there are times where you got to lean into something, leaning into a mentor or whatever that positive thing is for you. But today there's so much available online and through things like and podcasts like this, I mean, fantastic stuff that you can be pouring in that positive on a constant basis and you can do it at the same time as doing something else, right? You're driving in the car, pour in the positive. You're exercising poor in the positive, doing household chores pouring the positive. My wife and I were cleaning this weekend, and I was listening to a book on tape and just pouring in the positive.



Yeah, no, Neal, the producer, he'll be laughing at this now because he basically says, Wendy, in your world, there is no room for excuses. And there isn't really, because I understand that people can get into a position or a situation and not realize that they've gotten there, but there is always something that you can do to get yourself out of that. There are no excuses.



I like to say, when I lost my excuses, I found my results. That's a little quote I like to say. And you're right. And the other thing people need to be clear on is it's all about you compared to you, not you compared to other people. Now, if you want to change your happiness, you can compare yourself. Right. So if my ego is getting too big, then my wife can say, well, how much money does Oprah make every year? Okay? Yeah. I'm very small. But the opposite is also true, is if I'm feeling down, my wife can say, how many of your friends have no job and the freedom that you have. Right. In that comparison, you can regulate your happiness, but for your results, it is best to compare you to you. Right. Let's just better your best. And for me, this definition of success is kind of you moving towards your goal, whatever that is. So it's very personal, whatever that personal goal is. And if you find yourself in this situation, you can begin to move out of that situation and celebrate just maybe those first steps out of that situation. Right, so you're comparing yourself to you. So, yes, you can change direction overnight, and then you can begin to make measurable progress in a reasonable amount of time as compared to where you are. Right. And so, yeah, I think that's a valid point on happiness. And then also, no excuses for you getting better. Now you're human, so you're going to have bad days. That's right. But you just want to ride again, get back on the horse, ride again, and ride a little bit better. Figure out some way that you can ride a little bit better. So you go a little bit longer and you get a little bit closer to where you want to be and who you want to be.



And like you said at the very beginning, Blaine, growing rich and success is not necessarily about numbers in a bank balance. It can be how you want to live and who you want to live that with. Your reasons why.



Yes. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is there. I mean, you need a certain amount of money for food and shelter and those things, and if you're struggling there, then there's a lot of help. Right? I mean, the Internet, podcasts like this, books like Think and Grow Rich, there's a lot of resources there. But you have to take the step like you have to have the desire and then, as we said earlier, make the decision, commit to the decision, but then take some action behind that decision. Right. And when you feed the decision with action, then you're going to find out, is this really something good for me or not? And most people find that it is. And then they start moving forward. And then it's funny that when you start moving forward, it's kind of a little slow and slogging in the beginning, but as you get out of the mud and you get out of that and you start to go faster and faster and faster, typically then things start to move really fast. That's exciting as I see that in people when they adopt, say, a new habit and then all of a sudden now everything else in their life is kind of taking off.



It is just about making that start. If you make the start, you're already ahead of where you were.





Blaines’s conversation that counts (30m13s)



It seems only right, really, at this juncture, to ask you about a conversation that created a turning point for you. I've got a feeling that it may link to what you were talking about with your career change and things like that, but you might surprise me because of course I never know what's coming next.



That's exciting.



So what was that one conversation that changed your life either for business or for personal?



It started as a conversation and changed my life. And that was actually Jim Rohn. And so Jim Rohn, a friend of mine, introduced me to Jim Rohn and then I was able to actually host him at an event I was running. And I got lucky because he had a house in the Phoenix area and this event was in Phoenix and he happened to be there. So it was very easy for him to come to this event. And so he came to that event and I got to hear him and share the stage with him. But the things that he said that evening had a big impact on me. Right. And one of the things he says is it's not what happens that determines your life future, it's what you do about what happens. And that was the beginning of kind of the lens conversation as well. But he said that, so it's not what happens that determines your life future, it's what you do about what happens. And I realized in that moment, I realized that I didn't have to worry about circumstances, the economy, the pandemics, and all these different things that's going to happen to everybody actually. But it's my response to what happens that determines the outcome of my life and my businesses. And then he went on to say the other thing he said that night was don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. And I was like, Whoa, that was big. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more wisdom. And he just got me to switch it to see that praying and begging for things to be better or easier, that was just going to fix the thing one time. If I increased my wisdom and I got better, that's going to increase everything for the rest of my life. And so that started me on a nice trajectory. But it was that conversation that night with Jim Rohn that I think led me to this course of becoming the Chief Results Officer. Now, having the time to do that with my son. Having the inputs was the "Think and Grow Rich" book. But it was that conversation that night. He also said, profits are better than wages. And I was like, oh, poof, I've got to do more of my own business. So that was it.



Wow. I know, previous guest Brad Sugars, he was influenced by Jim in a big way, and he talked about that on the show as well. Isn't it interesting, because we've already kind of touched on this, that just by switching your language out just changes the end results of what you want to be creating.



Agreed. And a couple of years ago, I read this one book called The One Thing by a guy named Keller, and in there he said and some people say different ways he says, when you argue for your limitations, you get to keep them. It was just that language right there. That's where I realized, now, wait a second, let me say that again. Let me hear that for real. When you argue for your limitations, you get to keep them. And so what happened is that was the trigger for me kind of processing my own language, right? So if I start to say, I'm too old, I'm too this, I'm too that, I can't this, I can't that, won't all that almost negative kind of self talk. And it was on big things and small things, I realized it was almost like the predefeated mind, I'm never going to try that thing, because I've just accepted that limitation. And then I started hearing that language in other people, and now I can't go anywhere without hearing people arguing for their limitations all the time. But it's gotten so good in our family or in some businesses, masterminds that I work with, they'll say, oh, now Blaine is going to say you're arguing for your limitations there. But that consciousness around what you say is so big, and that can be kind of that pivotal point in your life, is when you start to listen to and process that self talk. That's big.



Yeah. Awareness. Self awareness. It can be a real driving force... or not. Well, thank goodness for Jim Rohn. Honestly. Thank you, Blaine, for sharing your story and so many different productivity hacks that we can apply to our own business and go away. I'm going to just go and sort out my mind trash later. I got to do another dump.



And I will say, look... on the head trash. The thing that has helped me the most and my clients is really that concept of the mind shower. Meaning like most people take a physical shower every day, but how often do you take a Mind Shower where you kind of wash out your mind and take out the head trash? Now there's apps. I use an app called Headspace, kind of a meditation breathing app, but I do that every single day. And I've done that now because the app tracks like 1500 days in a row. I've done this Mind Shower, just a little thing like that. Now I like a ten minute Mind Shower, but if I don't have time, I'll do a three minute Mind Shower. But doing that, I do that first thing in the morning, every morning. And that's made a big difference because I feel like at the beginning of the day, I'm kind of taking control of my mind showering it out, cleaning it out a little bit, but then also getting that lens ready for the day to make the most from the day.



Yes, it fits with your computer science background as well. It's almost like you're defragging the system and every day just hit reset. And then that head trash writing everything down in such a big overwhelm. It's not going to be that big anymore, is it? Because you've already got a handle on it, right?






I've had an absolute blast. I know who to reach out to now when I need either some head trash or a Mind Shower. Thank you.



I have thoroughly enjoyed this and I just want to take a moment to thank you. This is not easy to put all this stuff together and put it online and you have a big results ripple, queen of conversations here. You have a big results ripple and I will bet that you are touching lives not yet born that somebody 20 or 30 years from now is going to find this stuff and it's going to make a difference. So I want to congratulate you on that and leave you with this. That the bad news. The bad news is time flies. The good news, you're the pilot. So pilot well.



Thank you. I've got to go and cry now.



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TL;dr - want the episode summarised in one paragraph, and in your own language? Here is it.

ENGLISH: “That’s where this better before ideology fits. Because it’s at that stage where I feel they need to introduce a plateau. So if you’re climbing a mountain and you can’t just continually climb for five days running. Your body and your mind can’t cope with it. You can’t acclimatise the new height. You’ve got to have base camps, you’ve got to have a secondary camp and you’ve got to have these stages where you just adjust..”


"هذا هو المكان الأفضل قبل أن تتناسب الأيديولوجيا. لأنه في تلك المرحلة حيث أشعر أنهم بحاجة إلى تقديم هضبة. لذلك إذا كنت تتسلق جبلًا ولا يمكنك التسلق باستمرار لمدة خمسة أيام ركض. جسمك وعقلك لا يمكنك التعامل معه. لا يمكنك التأقلم مع الارتفاع الجديد. يجب أن يكون لديك معسكرات أساسية ، ويجب أن يكون لديك معسكر ثانوي ويجب أن تكون لديك هذه المراحل حيث يمكنك تعديلها فقط .. "

SPANISH: “Ahí es donde encaja esto mejor antes de la ideología. Porque es en esa etapa donde siento que necesitan introducir una meseta. Entonces, si estás escalando una montaña y no puedes escalar continuamente durante cinco días seguidos. Tu cuerpo y tu mente No puedes lidiar con eso. No puedes aclimatarte a la nueva altura. Tienes que tener campamentos base, tienes que tener un campamento secundario y tienes que tener estas etapas en las que simplemente te ajustas…”.


FRENCH: C’est là que s’inscrit cette idéologie mieux avant. Parce que c’est à ce stade que je sens qu’ils doivent introduire un plateau. Donc, si vous escaladez une montagne et que vous ne pouvez pas continuer à grimper pendant cinq jours de suite. Votre corps et votre esprit Vous ne pouvez pas vous acclimater à la nouvelle hauteur. Vous devez avoir des camps de base, vous devez avoir un camp secondaire et vous devez avoir ces étapes où vous venez de vous ajuster...

GERMAN: Da passt diese Besser-vor-Ideologie. Weil ich das Gefühl habe, dass sie in diesem Stadium ein Plateau einführen müssen. Wenn Sie also einen Berg besteigen und nicht einfach fünf Tage hintereinander klettern können. Ihr Körper und Ihr Geist kann damit nicht fertig werden. Du kannst dich nicht an die neue Höhe gewöhnen. Du musst Basislager haben, du musst ein sekundäres Lager haben und du musst diese Etappen haben, wo du dich einfach anpassen musst..



We don’t want the conversation to stop there!

All of our listeners are important to us, so we would love it if you can connect with Wendy on LinkedIn and send her a message with your favourite episode!


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Peter howard graphic design

Episode 18 – Peter Howard

Peter Howard runs a design studio that is ranked in the top 100 in the country and was responsible for the WAG brand. Having known Peter and his team for many years, Wendy has heard lots of his stories but knew there would be one she had not heard before.

Taz Thornton & Asha Clearwater business coaches

Episode 19 – Taz Thornton & Asha Clearwater

Making conversations about partnerships count. In a Making Conversations Count first, we are joined by two dynamic guests in this episode. Both Taz & Asha provide business coach services in different areas. Joining Wendy chatting about all the elements that make up a great debate. You are not going to want to miss the observations with Taz Thornton and Asha Clearwater around questioning, opinions, debate and discernment that makes for wonderful colourful conversations.

Vicki Carroll O'Neill

Episode 20 – Vicki Carroll (formerly O’Neill)

Vicki works with entrepreneurs, small business owners and executive leaders who are stuck in their business and need someone as a partner to coach them to their next level of success. Vicki offers growth marketing consultant advice, strategy plans & also organises in-house marketing teams.

heidi medina business coach

Episode 21 – Heidi Medina

This episode contains one of our most important conversations, so we’re definitely going to make it count!
Wendy Harris brings Heidi Medina into the conversation today, who opens up the conversation about abuse she has encountered.
She’s a Linkedin expert and business coach who is the exact opposite of the classic ‘my way or the highway’.
Whether you meet Heidi online or in person she is the same.

Niraj Kapur online sales coach

Episode 22 – Niraj Kapur

In this episode, Wendy is joined by Online Sales Coach Niraj Kapur from “Everybody works in Sales” a business that helps companies with their sales processes.

Steve Judge paralympian motivational speaking

Episode 23 – Steve Judge

A life-changing accident that almost claimed a life but actually birthed a mindset shift.  Making conversations about speaking count!

Imagine losing your limbs in an accident.

That’s a real human test.

Most people would fall into one of two camps.

Feel the loss, and struggle to overcome it, before essentially accepting your ‘job lot’ and just becoming a bit angry.

Many would. And they’d be forgiven.

Then there are others, who would not let it defeat them, or define them.

Steve Judge is definitely in the latter of the two camps.

Nikolas Venios the ideas agency

Episode 24 – Nik Venios

We reflect on how this business man helped his poorly mother solve a household challenge which led to a career of making conversations about ideas and innovation count. We will all eventually lose our parents. Sadly, it’s a part of life. Not many of us have to suffer that loss at the tender age of just six. We couldn’t think of a nicer guy to help us with our goal of making conversations about ideas count. Truly, if anyone can hold a conversation about ideas, it’s Nik Venios of the Ideas Agency. Did you know that NASA has a genius test? During this episode, you’ll find out all about this, and the fascinating stats surrounding it.

Jonny cooper hates marketing

Episode 25 – Jonny Cooper

Most business owners hate marketing. That’s probably because they don’t understand it. Someone who does get marketing is Jonny Cooper, and even he can’t stand it! In fact, he despises it so much, he built a business around it. Welcome to Jonny Hates Marketing! This week we’re making conversations about messaging count. Messaging is so important to get correct. Your entire marketing voice depends on it. That’s why you need to listen very carefully to Jonny Cooper.

Wendy Harris telephone trainer how to sell over the phone

Episode 26 – Wendy Harris

Wendy Harris is an expert telemarketer, who has years worth of experience in cold-calling and doing it right. Now a podcast host, Wendy shares her story and how she became an advocate for making conversations count!

Will Polston Make it happen

Episode 27 – Will Polston

Making conversations about wealth….and Clubhouse….count! Paying it forward. Acting from a position of generosity and giving within the law of reciprocity. We’re talking to Will Polston.

Ray Blakney Live Lingua

Episode 28 – Ray Blakney

Making conversations about language count… Ray Blakney is the CEO And founder of online language school Live Lingua. Can you speak another language other than your native tongue? Wendy admitted to the “Making Conversations Count” team that she doesn’t, and we can’t help but feel she’s definitely not alone.

Many Ward write my book cuddle monster

Episode 29 – Mandy Ward

Mandy Ward is a book mentor, helping people to write their own books under the company ‘Write my book’. Mandy is also an author herself, including the popular children’s book ‘The Cuddle Monster’.

Sarah Townsend copywriter survival skills for freelancers

Episode 30 – Sarah Townsend

Sarah Townsend is a freelance copywriter and best-selling author of the book ‘survival skills for freelancers’. In this episode, we discuss the importance of conversations in the freelance world, and how things can lead to many opportunities…

Paul Furlong visual branding advertiser videographer

Episode 31 – Paul Furlong

Paul Furlong is part of Opus Media, producing TV advertising, videos, and photographs for businesses. He knows a thing or two about visual branding, and is considered a advertising guru!

Masami Sato founder B1G1

Episode 32 – Masami Sato

Masami Sato set up the B1G1 initiative. Helping businesses to do good by giving back. When was the last time you gave, freely Not for tax reasons. And not because you felt awkward at a raffle. We could all always do more.

Ann Hobbs Forward thinking publishing

Episode 33 – Ann Hobbs

Ann Hobbs helps people to self-publish their books with Forward Thinking Publishing. She is also a coach and author of her book ‘Kick ass your life’, helping people to push through adversity.

Kim-Adele Platts Career development coach

Episode 34 – Kim-Adele Platts

Kim-Adele Platts, Career Development Coach. Making Conversations about Leadership Count! If you don’t believe in yourself how do you expect others to? This was a question and topic that surfaced during this powerful and insightful conversation with Kim-Adele Platts.

Marina Hauer branding specialist for coaches

Episode 35 – Marina Hauer

Marina Hauer is a branding specialist for independent coaches. Are you using three different brand ‘voices’ in your marketing efforts? We’re making conversations about branding count!

David Smith MBE paralympian

Episode 36 – David Smith

David Smith MBE is a Paralympian in the sport Boccia. Do you know what Boccia is? David tells you in this episode all about the most inclusive Paralympian sport that helps people with their independence.

Graham Nash accountant

Episode 37 – Graham Nash

Graham Nash, BusinessWise Accountants, has worked in many fields over the years and the one common denominator has been helping business turnaround.

Ian Genius sales coach

Episode 38 – Ian Genius

Ian Genius is the sales coach to help you gain confidence in sales. His Ingenious technique helps clients see the value of your best package to COMMAND a higher price.

Jennie Erikson voice over artist

Episode 39 – Jennie Eriksen

Jennie Eriksen is a voice over artist, her company name is Lovely Voice. She helps her intended listener to learn by being able to bring characters to life.

Stella Da Silva employability trainer

Episode 40 – Stella Da Silva

Stella Da Silva talks about vocations in this episode, as a specialist employability trainer she shares her insider knowledge.
What skills do you need to be employable?

Hypnotist Jonathan Chase

Episode 41 – Jonathan Chase

Look into my eyes! You will feel very sleepy! You guessed it, we’re having one of our many conversations that count with hypnosis star Jonathan Chase.

Brynne Tillman social sales link

Episode 42 – Brynne Tillman

Brynne Tillman is a social selling expert. Her company ‘Social Sales Link’ teaches the importance of connection for selling on LinkedIn and other platforms.

Ruth Driscoll

Episode 43 – Ruth Driscoll

Ruth Driscoll supports people through toxic relationships. Her company the ‘life liberator’ takes her personal experiences to help others.

Rob Begg mindset coach

Episode 44 – Rob Begg

Rob Begg is a results based mindset coach to business leaders & teams. In this episode, he talks about your ego and self-limiting beliefs many of us hold.

Dan Knowlton video advertising

Episode 45 – Dan Knowlton

Dan Knowlton and his brother Lloyd run Knowlton – a social media and video advertising company who create unique, funny content to stop the scroll.

Sudhir Kumar

Episode 46 – Sudhir Kumar

Sudhir Kumar is an expert in social selling to grow your business, he’s written a book ‘Being Human: Marketing & Social Selling in a Digital World’.

Episode 47 – Ann Page

Ann Page is a lawyer who helps other lawyers with her courses. She teaches valuable business skills and teaches the importance of avoiding jargon.

Joe Chatham networking

Episode 48 – Joe Chatham

Joe Chatham set up USA 500. It’s an exclusive member-based organization focusing on sharing his expertise in marketing relationships and networking.

Larry Long Jnr

Episode 49 – Larry Long Jnr

Larry Long Jnr is a sales coach that helps give people, teams, and organizations the motivation to go from good to great.

pete cann laughter man

Episode 50 – Pete Cann

Larry Long Jnr is a sales coach that helps give people, teams, and organizations the motivation to go from good to great.

Hear what people are saying about the show

I love this podcast. The guests you have on all bring something new to the conversation and definitely thought-provoking.

Sometimes this means I change something I do, or something I would say, and other times it’s a real opportunity for reflection.

Thanks for sharing your guests with us Wendy, the podcasts are brilliant.

Paula Senior

I always enjoy listening to Wendy’s Making Conversations Count podcast and admire her talent for drawing out people’s stories and getting to the heart of things for finding out what makes them tick.

We all have pivotal moments and Wendy manages to find the right parts, showcasing the reasons why someone is who they are.

It’s those details that we connect to and come to more understanding of why people do what they do.

Heidi Medina

Love this podcast series. It’s a great idea to have a theme of ‘pivotal conversations’ and the variety of guests from massively different backgrounds keeps it fresh and interesting.

Wendy is a natural host and makes people feel at ease to share their stories.

Andrew Deighton

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