mean, who of us couldn’t use some more cash. That’s a given, right?

Particularly when it comes to our retirement.

In this week’s episode of “Making Conversations Count” we’re chatting to Brandon Neely. He’s an expert in figuring out what you want, what you need and what you can do to get it.

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Here’s the episode page!

You’ll hear:

  • The STILL method
  • Robert Downey Junior’s Rolex
  • All the wealth in the world
  • Brandon’s conversation that counted

The STILL method

Wendy: I love the fact that you talk about money because as a Brit, nobody talks about money. and if they do, it's usually a lie, or untrue. Or it's a falsehood that, you know, it's a, it's a belief that we've got that we don't even know why we've got it. So when you turn that into a context of business and helping entrepreneurs, you've got quite a few different methods that you.

To, really nail it down. And I think the one that, that intrigues me most because we, you know, we can all talk about scaling up and how to be your own boss and, you know, the mindsets and methodologies and all of those different habits that you need to have. But what intrigued me most was this still method.

Mm-hmm. . And I thought, this has got to be, correct me if I'm wrong, an acronym for a really easy way to keep yourself on track with your money somewhere along the line when it comes to running your business. So and it also makes me think if you are having questions about money, , if you could just sit still and answer these questions, I wonder how helpful that's going to be.

I'm on the right lines. I can tell . Yeah. So Brandon, do you wanna share with us what your still method. It's all about.

Brandon: Yeah. Well, first I wanna go back and kind of think about wealth. Wealth is more than money, wealth in relationships, right? Wealth in finances is important.

You know, I, I think like if you go over in the, in UK versus the us right? They're. From what I've heard, slower process. They're just taking it in not as fast paced as Americans are. Right. And that's a different kind of wealth than just busy, busy, busy trying to get to the next thing.

Right. And there's wealth of relationship, wealth of friendships and there's all kinds of ways to define So that's something that I've thought about a lot as a, as a person in the finance world to talk about wealth as other attributes is not necessarily talked about a lot as they're just a, it's all about the money.

But the thing is, is yeah, it's, everything is interconnected. Our money affects our health, right? Uh, if we don't talk about money in a relationship it could lead to divorce, right? And all of those things are interconnected and we can't just like put our head in the sand and say, Hey, this doesn't exist.

I don't because I'm not talking about it. Put our fingers in our ears and pretend like it doesn't exist. Well, that doesn't make it. Exist, right? Money is it is important. We maybe not, don't want to be defined as that uber rich guy, right? Or whatever. Maybe we do, I don't know. But that's going into our still method of saying there's ways that people are dealing with life, So most people are in chaos, right? This is our world right now. We are confused, right? You know, trying to log into all the Zoom accounts as like confusing and I'm not sure which one I'm supposed to be in, right? Haphazard, that's our tax situations and everything. Anxious. People are anxious and, and they don't look at their money cuz it's like, oh, this is gonna create stress.

Some stress is good though. Anxious, overwhelming. And stressful. I don't know about you, but the past two years has shown a lot of chaos, right? A lot of just, you know, people are like, oh my gosh, is it ever gonna end? On the American side, you know, we're trying to solve the problem of, covid putting money in the Fed, does things, has other implications.

And we're like, is it never ended? The problem is, we're too with this chaos stuff figuring out how to log into Zoom that we forget that we need to like retreat right? And, and kind of step back. And so the still method is a way of us just asking questions.

Of our money and our lives really. So, and then if you wanna get this, go to still or go to Wealth Wisdom fp that's Wealth wisdom fp financial And then you can download that. But so the, it's an acronym. We love acronyms, right? Everybody loves acronyms to make it easy, but it's setting your sights.

You know, I know how many people, like, I swear this happens all the time. They don't know their goals. They don't have any goals except to go to Disney World, or I don't know what they do in the uk cuz everybody in America wants to go to Disney World, Paris. So where do they, Paris. Paris. Is that what happens?

If it's Disney. Yeah. So everybody, everybody wants to go to Paris and that's ev almost every if you ask somebody their goals probably over there well at least in the us, nine times outta 10 they'll say, oh, it's to go to Disney World. I'm like, well, and then what? Right. You've done it now.

Now what's the goal? And a lot of people don't know, right?

Wendy: No, they wanna go again cuz there's still so much to see.

Brandon: I guess, and they've spent all their retirement just on that. Yeah. , uh, I have no desire to go there and use that anyway. Maybe that's wrong. I do wanna see, you know, some Marvel stuff, but

Wendy: yeah, that would be cool.

and I get what you're saying is that they look at. That experience has been, you know, ambitious. Mm-hmm. , and, when you boil it down to how much it needs for you to actually maybe save, I would guess that the average household may need to save for. Two or three years for that kind of holiday experience.

Yeah. So it's fairly shortsighted. There's not, yeah. Any real long-term goals behind the aspirations that they have.

Brandon: Yeah. And that setting your sights in my view is saying, okay, where do I want to end up? And I'm reverse engineering. Almost like in technology, we reverse engineer what I want.

Right? And so you have to ask yourself, and, and this is on all forms of not just money, but what kind of husband do I wanna be? What kind of dad do I wanna be? You know, I, if they were gonna look at me, you know, almost if I'm on my deathbed or dead, for example, right? What are people gonna say, right?

And so I wanna kind of set my sights and then build backwards. So whenever I do my financial analysis with clients, I'm asking. You know, what do you want life to look like when you're 82, right? That's important. And because the things you do now are gonna reflect your 82 year old self, right? It's gonna have impact.

So setting your sights is important, right? And again, most people are just reactionary. They are not asking those questions of themselves. Cuz that means you have to like, turn off the TV and sit with it, right? or asking your spouse, Hey what is this? This is great date night stuff. So It's interesting cuz then the, the husband dies 80, right? Wife may live for longer.

And this, this is another interesting statistic. If you're healthier, You're more likely to get into a long-term care facility. Right. It's gonna cost you more to live. Yeah. Which is interesting because I mean, if you think about it in our world now there's a lot of people going into those kind of places except you don't see a lot of people with bad health problems staying in them.

Because they have bad health problems. Uh, there's not a lot of overweight people and that kind of thing in that, those places. And you have to ask yourself, well, okay, what do we wanna be?

What kind of legacy do I wanna leave? So setting your sites is really important, and this is in your business too. Don't just create a business that is gonna. I dunno, be all about everything selling, but not making sure you're taking care of yourself. So setting your site sites on what your kind of business do you want, do you want it to create?

And how's that? Not just you serving the business, but how's the business serving you back? Those are really important questions to sit with. So that's the s and and um, and. The T is track. You're in and out. All right. This is the budgeting stuff. The stuff that people want to avoid. And if you don't like budgeting, we, we actually created a course.

You know, I think Jeff Bezos doesn't. Necessarily budget, but I bet you he knows where his cash flow's going. And so we created a course how to manage cash flow like a millionaire, where we're thinking about, you know, they understand how money is flowing, right? But you need to know, have a tracking of what's happening, right?

That's kind of like log in your workouts, right? Yeah.

Wendy: And certainly, you know, I mean like with 2008 and with what's happened with Covid when you suddenly have to take stock of things because things change outside of your control it's one of the first things that. I assume that people in business that, that even couples in relationships will look at where is the money going?

Because, if they're paying over the odds for Netflix, and that could be the difference, you know, between school dinners. For the kids or you know, what gifts yeah. , the kids would say Keep Netflix .

Brandon: Yeah. Most people aren't tracking, right? No. Or the, and what, what's happening in our world now is we have this thing called marketing where everybody has a plan for your.

I, they just turn on the TV for five seconds. my kid gets marketed too all the time, and he's four. Right? And so it is just interesting how, if we don't track. Things just kind of flow and we're like, oh yeah.

I'm just, you know, going through and their credit card companies and this in general were told, yeah, you, you deserve it. You deserve this. So here's a credit card. Go get it. And we don't have the money to actually spend action for real. And we wonder why we don't have a retire. In the first place, it's because we spent money that we didn't have and we're paying for it in the future.

Right? So tracking it, at least having an idea, this is not looking at it or it's just kind of doing a ledger, you know?

Wendy: Just knowing can help those sleepless nights can't it, as well. .

Brandon: Yeah. And knowing, hey I've been spending all of this on all of these different streaming services. How's that actually adding up versus cable?

Right. And we're like, oh, well, streaming is cheaper then cable. But now we have a hundred different streaming services rate in prices. And we're like, wait a second. That was cheaper. Anyway. Yeah. Those are things. So then the, that leads into inspect. Right after you track it, that's going to give you some things that you can inspect, right?

You don't wanna just track and not like look at the stuff, right? You have to actually. See what it's telling you, right? It's a, it's a having, kinda having a map, right? You're looking backwards. Right? That's what a budget is. It's kinda looking at what your habits are, behaviors. Right? And then we want to go to the next one, which is pretty quick, right?

the budgeting part is a, is a little challenging. And that's look for 1% adjustments, right? S t i inspect and then look for 1% adjustments and those things we wanna compare ourselves to, to the uber rich, right? Or any of that. But it's the 1% adjustments that make a big impact. , both positive and negatives, right?

Sometimes 1% adjustments in the wrong direction, and we wonder why we got here. We're like you didn't even notice that you were going in that direction. Well, that's also in the positive, right? So you're looking at the 80 20 rule or, or those kind of things and saying, okay, what's making sense of my business or my life that I need to.

Adjust then look for those 1% adjustments and, and in the profit first language that I, I love is doing an expense challenge, right? You'd be surprised, literally how many people in business owners have that? What, what do you call shiny object syndrome. . Yes. Uh, you know, you buy. So, and then a year later you're like, oh, it, it's going up like the Zoom subscriptions going up and for renewal, and you're like, wait a second, I don't even use that.

And that's, that's a 1% adjustment just on cutting that cost. Right? So there's an expense challenge or looking and saying, okay, what is actually working, what I need to like, spend more towards. and those 1% adjustments are gonna get us towards that. S right, the goal, right? And then the last letter in the still method is live deliberately.

Again, most of us. As a, as, especially in Americans are not deliberate in our life and we're just watching Netflix all day long and wondering why am I not fulfilled? Right? and we have to say, well, maybe it's because we're not deliberate in our actions and in our, other areas of our life. Because the stats right.

Wealth is that, uh, financial wealth is an all time high as far as the stock market would say. However, the stats on a lot of other things are going down and we'll have to ask ourselves, what's the correlation here? and how can we live deliberately to create an alternate version? Otherwise Definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.

Robert Downey Junior’s Rolex

Wendy: Yeah, because that divide between. the wealthy at the top and those that are maybe not being as deliberate as they, they ought to be, that people will go, well, where's that divide come from? But in, it's always in action, isn't it? Mm-hmm. . And one of the things that I, I often recall myself saying is, you have the power to vote with your feet.

Yeah. By your action. stopping or not doing something in a certain way. So yeah, I know that you know, certainly last year Jeff Bezos was, was called out, Elon Musk was called out as you know, being, you know, insanely rich it's vulgar the amount of money that they've got, but when you dig deeper, you know who's feeding that right and an right and an actual fact.

There are so many projects and things that they do get involved with, where we would go, gosh, that's a waste of money. , you know, like trips to Mars or, you know, flight Yeah. Engineering. A a, a spacecraft or something. You'd go, what a waste of money. We would never, ever treat our money like that. . So who's right?

Brandon: And, and the question is, but really, would we, if you were at that place, would we, because most people say I wouldn't, wouldn't, I was, I was, um, actually thinking about this with Robert Downey Jr. Right. What does he spend his money on? And all of this, I was like, $650,000 for a Rolex. That's a lot of money.

ensure that risk . Yeah. Yeah. And I was just like, oh man. And, and I think there's a difference of money and, and the way of thinking about it. And maybe, maybe they're right. I don't, I have no idea. But, but for me, I'm looking. Wealth is more than money. Mm-hmm. Uh, wealth is more than a 650,000 wristwatch.

Are they happy? Well, I don't know. Jeff Bezos got a divorce recently. I don't, I don't know what that means. Right. I don't know. But, but for me, I wanna look at the holistic per ourself as holistic people and realizing we're in an interconnect. Economy, right? So buy us buying even from Amazon, you know, I'm not gonna go all like detailed in this but does that affect our local economy, right?

By buying. Those kind of things through that. And I, I used to own a, an ethical coffee shop and I do not buy at a tarbucks. Right. Does that mean I get less? Money, less enjoyment or whatever. I don't know. It's an, it is a choice, but I, but you said voting with our actions. And I, and we vote with our dollars every day and we have to ask ourself again this environment we created, we created it by our actions because we are consumers.

Wendy: It's those choices that we make, isn't it? You know, it's interesting. Mm-hmm. that you say you had a coffee shop. My first job was selling coffee. . Yeah. You know, and there's, there's certain. ways of producing coffee that I would not buy. And that's purely because it doesn't support the communities that are growing and picking and, and actually, you know, tending to the crop of the coffee that I love so much.

So it's that choice, isn't it, that we can, and these are, these are. . This is why marketing has become such a big deal for people, because it's the stories that we are being fed to entice us to be involved and to part with our in that way. Yeah. You know, to make those decisions.

Brandon: Hmm. . Well, and I'm thinking a lot about this from a, you know, I have a four-year-old right.

He's going to inherit all of the stuff that, I mean from what I do personally. Right. That's great. And a lot of people just think about that as a well, how can I make him in a better position financially? Right. May have him be above everyone else that that's how the rich. Poor, you know, differences.

But at the same time, I'm like, well, we all live on one planet. If we are like destroying this whole ecosystem because of our actions, well, what is he gonna inherit? Right? Yeah. And I think that we collectively need to re think about that. I don't know the answers. All I know is saying, okay, what do I as an individual need to.

How does that impact my wealth personally, financially, physically, emotionally and how am I being intentional in making the world and my son's world a better place?

Wendy: Yeah, because it, it's like rating success, isn't it? You, you know, I'm not a millionaire, but I consider myself successful.

because I don't mm-hmm. , it's not about a, a, a number on a balance sheet. It's about how I live my life. And it's interesting that you were saying about, you know, the planet, I've actually got somebody lined up to come and talk to us on the show about how we can actively make differences and make choices and changes within our businesses to, to help us.

Mm-hmm. , uh, still lead a profitable business, but to be environmentally. Sound choices. So I'm excited about that because it is important. You know, I'm a mom. I've got a 28 year old and a 14 year old. My 28 year old just asks questions until she runs outta questions, and it's absolutely exhausting.

But, But good for her because she's not accepting face value on things. The 14 year old is fast catching her up and I just go ask your sister. Cause I've already told her once to some extent, but, they've got to be the ones as well to pick up this mantle for us. You know? It's Like, there'll be things that your four year old will come back from nursery or play school or, you know, and they'll start to ask you questions about, well, daddy, why do we do it this way?

Yeah. And they'll be challenging us and sometimes that's kind of the only way to do things.

All the wealth in the world

Wendy: It fascinates me that the amount of wealth that's in, in the world. So Terry Prat writes about it in. Satirical comedy novels. There's a real seriousness undertone to what he writes about. And and I always sort of challenge it in my own mind that if every person on the planet had an equal amount of money, would we have poverty?

So, you know, it's like to say into the, to, to the millionaire, yeah. Everybody's gotta have at least, you know, 10,000 pounds a year in their pocket, you know, divvy it out. What ki what difference would that make? You know, so I challenge that kind of thinking, and yeah, it, it is, we're all born the same, right?

And we all die the same. And yet this, this, you know, when we talk, go back to the planet what do we need? Really? We need food in our belly. We need water, and we need warmth.


Brandon: Well, I think we, we literally go back to our podcast, wealth Wisdom Financial, and we did a episode of Redefining Wealth. Going back and saying, and it was a two-part episode where we talk about going upstream and, and almost the Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Right. And thinking through what is it that that's really needed?

And, and, but, but again, the marketing world, and we're, we're told what, in order to make this to be happy, you need to buy this, this, and this. Yeah. And I, I don't know if. I don't know. And then if I, if I go on one extreme, I'm, I'm considered a socialist, right? , uh, and I'm like, um, no, I'm not saying that. If I go, if I stay on the other side, I'm, I'm a capitalist, then I'm like, um, you know.

Wendy: When you actually look at it, you know, it's like my dad always used to say, oh, you know, go, go be something that people always need. You know that they always need a doctor. They will always need dentists. Yeah. You know, we will always need vets to look after the animals, you know, that feed us and, and this sort of thing.

And I can now, you know, now my maturity kicks in. I can totally understand where he was coming from. But when you look back to small communities, That, that would spring up where the, the children would take up the same craft as, as the parents. Mm-hmm. and go into the same business and this a thing, and then you'd go back even further.

You'd have def definitive roles played by whoever was the strongest or the most able. And most capable. Yeah. And there really was no. , balance sheet of, oh, well give him an extra portion of food over the campfire. because he, you know, everybody was treated equally because everybody had a part to play because if, if one person was taken out of the equation, the whole system would fall down.

Brandon: And that's where maybe I, for me, as a, as a business owner doing wealth financial planning and all that, it, it's going back and asking those questions and, and maybe that's gonna limit.

Us. And, and I'm still been kind of thinking about this from a like doing YouTube, right? So in order to do YouTube, you have to be like a subject matter expert and just talk about this one thing, one aspect of this, and that's gonna grow the algorithm and grow everything. And that's what happens when you meet somebody on the street.

They immediately, and I, and I've been thinking about this as, cause I'm doing some marketing conversations today, right? But they immediately, when you meet somebody on the street, they ask you, Hey, what's your name? What do you do? Right? And then what it does is that then this is it been happening since starting of time.

We then, Oh, he's a doctor, so I'm gonna put him in the doctor bucket and I'm gonna ask him all kinds of doctor stuff. Right? and so then that keeps us in the, the buckets, right? We have these different buckets and YouTube and social media keeps us in these buckets. So then, and, and then they market us to the same stuff that we like.

Yeah. And so we keep staying in the same buckets and we're not thinking holistically, which is really hard for somebody who thinks upstream to do marketing. Cuz I'm like, yeah, but this is affecting this and, and that as if you like that kind of thing. Hey, listen to our podcast. But that's something I've thought about a lot of saying, okay, how do I be a expert like a doctor?

That's a heart. But still realizing that the, the stuff that's you're doing to your stomach, eating may affect your heart. Right? How do you communicate that stuff? And that's, that's been a interesting thing. But I, again, our money and the still method helps us to think through those, even the marketing aspects of our business.


Wendy: It's one pillar of three things, isn't it? When you look at your health, your wealth, and it's Yeah, it, it is drawing parallels, isn't it? And those stories and conversations that you have with people and, and certainly. , I would just always encourage you to, to have, have the conversation through your marketing that you would with anybody, you know, if you were to meet them on the street and, you know, if they've got a sign up saying, can I have a dollar for a coffee?

You know, so come on, let's, let's have a coffee. What g what got you here? How can we help you get out of here? And, and those sorts of things. Yeah. And, and I think it really. I irrespective of your circumstances, there's, it's the need to be help ping, isn't it? That, that ultimately serves

Brandon: And I think the main thing, what I like about what you're doing, and it's about having the conversations.

Having the relationship because we are money is just one facet, right? But it affects everything else. And that, that's again, where the, the still method what what we do with our any kind of vehicle, right? Financial vehicles, they all are interconnected to, to serve us, right? They're all tools.

And so just thinking about that, but it. What we miss a lot of time is the interconnected relationship and conversations that lead us to health and wealth, not just financially, but in all the other areas.

Wendy: It's, it's asking those questions. If you follow, if listeners follow that still method, then they know what they know.

and they can concentrate their energy on the, what they've discovered that would make the difference for them. Otherwise, you're spending a hundred percent of your energy on nothing but worrying about what you don't know, which is really frustrating.

Brandon: Yeah, right. . Well, and the questions, you, you might be asking the same questions and the answers may change.

Wendy: Oh, absolutely. Yeah. They're gonna change over time, as, as you, because this is like anything, if you get handle on one thing, you, you gain confidence, which seeps into other areas of your life without you even really being conscious. Yeah.

Brandon’s conversation that counted


I ask every guest who comes on the show. Okay. We, you know, you've been super helpful with sharing your still method, which will help listeners go and, you know, rethink their wealth.

But I ask every guest for, if they can recall one conversation that had, that not have happened, would not have created a major change in either their life or their business.

Brandon: Yeah. One of those I had a conversation with a attorney of ours and when we had our coffee shop, and I've had several different conversations that you just remember, right?

But this one, we had paid off all of our business debt. We had used our infinite banking policies to, to be smart about that. And, and we were growing. We, we looked like everything was fine. I mean, we weren't making a ton of money. I mean, it's a food service business, right? So with people, I know that one, when you get in a coffee, you're gonna make a lot.

I'm like, um, Billy but he asked me, and our, our business name was called overflow. So the, so the idea of with overflow was you can flow into and it's kind of reverse of this, this rocks that we have, but you would overflow into your immediate family, community, and world, right? The good things will overflow, but the problem.

If you, and this is what I was wrestling with, is if I wasn't taking care of myself, I can't overflow to other people. Mm-hmm. , right. And that was something that was kind of a underlying, but he asked us, cause we were thinking about franchising and, and growing that brand. And he said, so how much are you paying yourself?

Yeah, it was not a lot. And I was like, I felt when I left that meeting, I felt like deflated, even though we had started a business, created something that most people have never done. Majority of people talk, I call them entrepreneurs.

There's a lot of entrepreneurs out there, not real. Entrepreneurs you know what I'm talking about, the ones that always have the idea but never implement. Well, we were entrepreneurs, but I felt like, man, I am not successful at this. I'm not paying myself. I'm not taking care of myself. And that's why we ended up going into the finance saying services industry and saying, How can I make sure the business owner, self-employed, small guys, not, not the Jeff Bezos of the world, but how can I help them not do what I did?

Because most of the time business owners are like, yeah, I'll pay myself less. Cuz it is literally, I don't know about it in the uk, but in the in, in the us it's illegal to not pay your staff. But you as the owner, Don't have to pay yourself. Right. You can say, well, it's all right. I'm not gonna take a paycheck right now. And that's okay. and that's what people say is, oh, that, that's, that's okay. And I'm, I kind of think a lot of saying, okay, let's pretend like that was a law that you have to take care of yourself just as much as you take care of your staff.

And I think that's what that conversation was like. Oh, wait,

Wendy: if you don't value yourself

Brandon: mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. , yeah. So value yourself. Because if you don't do that, and, and then it all falls apart. And I, I wonder maybe in our world is we're not valuing ourselves and our, and what we have around us. maybe that's why we're in a bad situation.

I don't know. I don't. ,

Wendy: well, potentially that flow of, of money and energy, if you like, is being put into different areas to com to make ourselves feel valued ourselves. It's our, yeah, we, we choose how we spend it, but actually it, it's, it needs to become a bit more fundamentally proportionate, doesn. Than, than all these little peripheral things that you know make you feel better for about 10 minutes or an hour on the couch.

Brandon: Yeah. That's again why I recommend every business owner read profit First, especially if you're starting, read that book Profit First and, and be a learner of, of that. Don't just say, I'm a widget seller and I'm gonna sell all this and not engage with your money. That's, that's another thing. It's be a learner of all things in your business.

Wendy: Uh, I would agree with that actually, Brandon, cuz when I first started out 17 and a half years it was about enjoying the work I was doing, you know, and yes, I charged a reasonable rate and one thing or another, but then you, you learn that in actual fact your, your. Devaluing yourself by not charging what you ought to or spend, you know, gaining the, the recognition because that energy of money is, the rec is also a recognition as well of what it is that you're doing.

Yeah. So, so whilst we all, you know, and I'm a big advocate, that you should enjoy what you're doing and you know, all of that. Not if it's at the. If you undervaluing yourself.

Brandon: Yeah, definitely. Yep. That, that's, again, it's a both and not an either or. And that's the hardest part in our labels is, is we want to say this way, but it's usually a both and.

Not, yeah, either or, and, and, but that we don't like that especially in our politics and in, and everything we love to be pigeonhole. And I'm like, well, no, that's, that's, it's. It's having a, a life and business that is like you have a lot of passion about, but also at the same time making sure you can, you know, buy groceries.

And that, that's, again, the still method going through that, that's why I sold the coffee shop. Not because I was like, all right, is this leading to where I want it to go, me personally?

And, and is this bringing, uh, life to the fullest that I want?

Look for that

Wendy: 1% adjustment. .

Brandon: Exactly. Yeah, exactly. .

Wendy: Well, Brandon, I can't thank you enough for giving up your time to, to join us today. I always encourage listeners, you know, to reach out to guests after they've listened if they've got any more questions. And of course we'd love to hear about that as a show as well.

Because we then get to know that we're making the difference through our conversations that they count. Where's the best place for them to find you

Brandon: hanging? Yeah, if you go to Wealth Wisdom fp, that's financial Partners, but we don't, you don't have to type in the financial part. Wealth wisdom, that's

We have a YouTube channel. We have a podcast channel. I'm on all those social medias. So if you go to YouTube, you better be able to. And LinkedIn. And then if you guys want the still method, just go to www dot still method dot.

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