You can click on each episode tile to listen and find out more about the guest’s story and the valuable business insights they share.
Or use the Magnifying glass to Search for keywords or topics that interest you.
Many of the wonderful guests also share recommended resources and mention special offers on their products/services. You’ll also find these in the show transcripts if reading is your thing.
With three years of episodes, the show has gone onto become award nominated and ranks in the top 5% in the world.
It’s our mission to ensure every guest shares ‘how to’ tips and tricks from their own expert field. Listeners often tell us they need to have a pen and paper ready to take notes!
Plus Wendy gets guests to share honest, relatable conversations they’ve had that lead to a transformation in their own business or life. It’s not always sunshine and roses either.
Customer obsession and Making Conversations about magic in marketing Count!
Are you getting obsessed enough about your customers? Let’s find out!
Making Conversations about unique offerings Count!
How important is it for businesses to have a unique selling proposition (USP)?
In the world of business, standing out from the competition is crucial.
But what truly sets you apart?
Making Conversations about sales process Count!
How's your sales process looking?Are you ready to start improving and increasing the efficiency of your sales process? Sales process mastery and approaching your outbound correctlyWelcome back to another episode of "Making Conversations Count" and in this...
Making Conversations about features and benefits Count!
Enjoy better sales success by Making Conversations about features and benefits Count! Are you ready for a conversation about FABTECA, that will literally transform your sales process? Offering the right messaging to our would-be customers In this episode, host Wendy...
Embracing your inner introvert: targeted niche marketing strategies you can use!
In this episode we’re delving deep into the value of niche marketing strategies tailored specifically for introverts.
Setting Targets for Profit: How to Use Your Business Numbers to Achieve Success
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and uncertain when it comes to understanding your business numbers, constantly second-guessing your financial decisions and lacking confidence in setting realistic targets, then you are not alone!
Master the Art of Entrepreneurship with Pete Mohr’s “5 P’s Formula”
Are you an entrepreneur who wants to master the art of entrepreneurship so you can maximise profits and gain more freedom in your business?
Sustainability Secrets with Ian Williams: Saving the Planet One Step at a Time
I’m chatting with Ian C Williams about one of the most important topics my podcast has ever covered – saving the planet.
Depression and Progression – why the conversation matters!
In this article about the episode with Kevin Palmieri, I’ll break down some of the key takeaways from the conversation and discuss the importance of making conversations about depression and progression count.
LinkedIn page management – it works better in company!
LinkedIn is an essential tool for businesses. We know this. It’s the B2B social media platform. But who’s taking care of your company’s LinkedIn page management?
Are you sitting S.T.I.L.L? Good, then we’ll begin (making money)
Are you ensuring you stay STILL with your money? In this episode of Making Conversations Count, Wendy talks to Brandon Neely.
Master your mindset, go for GOLD and enjoy the rewards of being a writer
At the time of writing, it’s the festive season. And we wanted to do something special for it. So in this crossover episode of our usual weekend bonus episodes, Wendy Harris enjoys a catch up regarding some previous...
Do you play the business rules game?
Do you know how to play the business rules game? It might just make the difference between failure and success in your business!
Sales calls or just a cool conversation? Wendy talks cold calling – done right!
When you frame your sales calls as ‘cool conversations’ exceptional things can happen! Listen to this conversation all about outbound selling, with John Barrows.
YouTube chat a pain for you? Here’s how you can fix it…
Lux Narayan is attempting to revolutionise conversations in YouTube chat. He might be on to something.
Tips on getting attention to your content directly from the man at the heart of the ‘Mad Men’…
John Follis is a real life Don Draper. And as one of the original “Mad Men” he’s well placed to give you advice on getting attention!
Can you get creating business opportunities, using your kids?
In this episode (102) we’re making conversations about creating business opportunities count. Have a listen to learn whether it’s something you can use in your household!
What wealth management solutions could you make use of?
In this episode (101) we’re making conversations about wealth management solutions count. And it’s not all about the money…. Listen to this real ‘how to’ guide to financial planning, right now!
Want to learn the three things that make a business successful? You’re in luck!
We wanted to mark this special episode with special content! So here’s a masterclass in business success!
You’ve the perfect book waiting inside you. Ready to learn how to ‘shook’ it out?
We’re all shook up in this episode. Listen as Mike Capuzzi shares with us how to get the perfect book out of you and in the book retailers.
Making real human connection and avoiding the digital ‘junk food’ version!
We’re Making Conversations about human connection Count! We’re going to learn the difference between talking to people and making a real human connection with them!
Take control of your life with a regular mind shower to remove the head trash of that negative outlook!
Do you know how to take control of your life? We’re Making Conversation about just that, with Blaine Oelkers – ep 97!
Etiquette and manners – the three principles to follow. And is etiquette even still relevant in the workplace in 2022? We speak to professional etiquette expert Kristi Spencer
How important do you think etiquette and manners are in the professional workplace in 2022? We’re Making Conversation about professional etiquette Count with Kristi Spencer – ep 96!
How public speaking coaches can change your life. Oh, and how our guest met Freddy Krueger!
Hitting the stage to talk to strangers soon? Want to? Well this episode will help you cope! We’re Making Conversation Count with Tyler Foley – ep 95!
How much do Amazon sellers make? Some tips you can use to explode your online sales and make serious cash.
Selling on Amazon? Thinking about it? Well this episode will give you all the info you need. We’re Making Conversation Count with Lynsey Hensell about selling on Amazon – ep 94!
The science of using silence in sales calls and learning the real psychology of selling so you can avoid your revenue dying and create stunning profit reports!
How are your closing rates? In this episode of Making Conversation Count we talk to Catherine Brown about applying the science of silence in sales calls – ep 93!
Finding passion and purpose in your life and business so you can feel good enough
Are you finding passion and purpose in your life and business? In this episode of Making Conversation Count we talk to Nicola Buckley about ensuring we can do so – ep 92!
Are you working on your business not in it? Well done! If not, maybe its time to make it better before bigger?
One of the biggest KPIs of any business owner – the answer to this question. Are you working on your business or in it? In this episode of Making Conversation Count we talk to Nick Cramp about getting better before bigger – ep 91!
Get more ICP sales. Leading with the all-important, considered, and well-researched client avatar will help your business!
Have you identified your client avatar so that you can seriously nail your marketing with ICP sales? In this episode of Making Conversation Count we talk to Paul and Shreya from Marketing Counts! I know, right?! – ep 90!
The secret to overcoming the agony of self-sabotage from the man now offering legendary emotional support for business owners
This is an important episode, because it contains all the emotional support for business owners that any entrepreneur could need! In this episode of Making Conversation Count we talk to Tommy Breedlove about overcoming self-sabotage and becoming Legendary! – ep 89!
Want an extraordinary client acquisition system implemented in your lead generation process for guaranteed massive business growth?
Do you have an effective method for onboarding and working with your clients? How are you managing them? What style of leadership are you using? In this episode of Making Conversation Count we talk to Michal and Ana Bohanes about their client acquisition system! – ep 88!
How much money do podcasts make? The key to incredible podcast growth with the founder of “Guestio”, a podcast monetisation platform.
Are you wanting to start a podcast? Is what’s holding you back the question of how much money podcasts actually make? In this episode of Making Conversation Count we talk to Travis Chappell about the key to podcast growth! – ep 87!
Who will win in the battle of artificial intelligence vs human intelligence and how we’re keeping up with technology and avoiding becoming obsolete
Are you ready for the battle of artificial intelligence vs human intelligence? Hopefully you will be after listening and reading to this episode. Allister Frost talks us through avoiding becoming an obsolete species! Making Conversations about how to ‘keep up’ Count! – ep 86!
Small business collaboration will make your work more fun if you know how to do it! Here’s all the top secret insight for you.
You can take a lot of pressure off your bottom line if you enter into business partnerships. But not every partnership is the right one. Dave Plunkett talks to us about small business collaboration as we’re Making Conversations about collaboration junkies Count! – ep 85!
How to be bold and confident and enjoy taking risks for infinitely more PRIDE in your life (and so you can meet Richard Branson)
Imagine how awesome your life would be if you didn’t have to care about any judgement or rejection ever again. That’s the topic of this episode of the Making Conversations Count podcast.
We’re Making Conversations about being superbold Count! Fred Joyal – ep 84!
The McDonalds movie “The Founder” and that thing June Martino said to EA Csolkovits that will teach you all about GIVERS and takers!
This episode needs to be heard to be believed. But take the McDonalds movie “The Founder”. Add a conversation a young boy had with the story’s leading lady, June Martino. Roll forward to an emulation of the plot. We’re Making Conversations about discernible deeds Count! EA Csolkovits – ep 83!
Content marketing tips from the marketing entrepreneur who invented the term! (Content Inc author Joe Pulizzi)
Being a marketing entrepreneur can be rewarding. But you’ll need epic content marketing tips to pull it off. So we’ve got the inventor of content marketing for this week’s episode. We’re Making Conversations about content entrepreneurs Count! Joe Pulizzi – ep 82!
The architecture supporting excellent academic leadership and management!
We need more architects who want to take it up as a career. And for that to happen, we need excellent academic leadership. With Kevin Singh, we’re Making Conversations about education Count with Kevin Singh – episode 81!
Stop clowning around and get some leadership skills training! Cirque Du Soleil star joins us to inspire great leaders!
Are you being a good boss or are you clowning around? Hopefully we’ll inspire you to become the former! We’re Making Conversations about leadership training skills Count with Jay Guilford – episode 80!
Want better traffic to your website? This is the conversation for you! Get ready to learn about the rule of 26′
Do you want to ensure the traffic you’re getting to your site is the best for your business? We’re Making Conversations about website marketing Count with Michael Buzinski – episode 79!
When they ask you answer – so you can ensure your customers get questions taken care of by you, not your competition!
When they ask, do you answer? Do you realise how important transparency is for the success of your website? We’re Making Conversations Count with Marcus Sheridan – episode 78!
Do you need a business coach? If things are struggling to ‘take off’ consider a business co-pilot!
Do you need a business coach, or a business expert in the co-pilot seat of your organisation? If you’re struggling to take off, you might do! We’re Making Conversations Count with David Holland – episode 77!
How to be intentional every day, design the best year ever and get paid for doing exactly what you love!
How to be intentional every day and get on with designing your best possible day and year! We’re Making Conversations Count with Rob Cressy – episode 76!
Squash down on imposter syndrome by unsquashing yourself!
Unsquashing yourself to overcome imposter syndrome! We’re talking all about communications coaching with Trisha Lewis in Making Conversations Count – episode 75!
Use your pen and activism to massively impact lives, tell your story and avoid becoming a prisoner of state lies!
Use your pen and activism to massively impact lives, tell your story and avoid becoming a prisoner of state lies. We’re Making Conversations Count with best-selling author Dawn Bates (episode 74)
Want the secret formula for success in business so you can enjoy a stress-free life?
Imagine having the secret formula for success in business. Wouldn’t that be cool? Well, good news! Once you’ve listened to this episode’s guest, you will do! (Episode 73)
Get moving with an art and dementia program for your brain health!
Dealing with dementia and any kind of poor brain health is scary. In this episode Veronica Franklin Gould tells us how her art and dementia program (Arts4Dementia) can offer life changing help! (Episode 72)
From poverty to pushing (legal) drugs: billionaire on building a business on Amazon
Is it time to attain financial freedom? We’re talking all about becoming a billionaire and we’re Making Conversations about building a business on Amazon Count with Shaahin Cheyene (Episode 71)
Using lazy marketing and “Making Conversations Count” around rip-off self-serving marketing agencies with ‘lazy marketing’ expert behind forward-thinking brands
Are you using lazy marketing? Those expensive marketing agencies don’t care about your results. They want your money. We’re Making Conversations about lazy marketing Count with Al Tepper of ‘Tep-Fu’!
Trench leadership styles in the armed forces – and how to use them in business for better results
Are you demonstrating effective leadership? Things have changed in the leadership space and now you have to approach things differently. This week we’re Making Conversations about trenches (trench leadership) Count!
The Linkedin secrets that will boost your whole digital toolbox and drive you towards huge business success!
Are you using your digital toolbox effectively? If you just responded in your head with “what’s a digital toolbox?” you should stop reading immediately and click this page to get to that player ASAP!! This week we’re Making Conversations about your digital toolbox Count!
Using sales hypnosis and helping customers feel good when going through your sales process
Are you using ‘sales hypnosis’ when trying to help your clients? If not, it’s well worth learning more. This week we’re Making Conversations about sales hypnosis Count – with Gary Outrageous
Change your funnel into a sales bucket to increase conversions and boost your business every day
Every marketing expert on the planet will talk to you about sales funnels. But very few talk about the sales bucket. We’re going to change that today with episode 66 of Making Conversations Count!
Menopause for men AND women in the workplace AND how it affects the home
When it comes to menopause for men, do they actually suffer? Well, yes actually. Just not in the way you might think….
We’re Making Conversations about menopause in the workplace Count!
What’s in a name? Inclusion and the workplace, and recognising your own bias
Are you aware of your own bias? Everyone has one whether they like to admit it or not. This episode is all about working towards harmony between inclusion and the workplace.
Using social media for professional networking
Are you using social media correctly? In this episode we discover how to use our channels to bolster our professional networking efforts!
Wendy’s discussing how to make a dead honest podcast for episode 62
Wendy’s getting to talk about her favourite subject with Georgie Vestey – the award-winning host of the Dead Honest podcast as we’re Making Conversations about honesty Count!
Making Conversations (about mountaineering on Everest) Count: Episode 61 – Cathy O’Dowd
We’re always moving mountains to bring you the best content on “Making Conversations Count” but we’ve taken it literally now! We’re getting Cathy O’Dowd, a woman who can claim a lot of firsts as we’re Making Conversations about mountaineering on Everest Count!
Making Conversations (about online courses) Count: Episode 60 – Tom Libelt
In this edition of “Making Conversations Count” we’ll talk about how launching online courses isn’t a guaranteed way to make money for your business! We will also offer a very cheap and simple way for you to get started with online courses if that’s still what you want to do!
Making Conversations (about young entrepreneurs) Count: Episode 59 – Louis Barnett
One of the UK’s most impressive young entrepreneurs Louis Barnett talks to us about Chokolit, sustainability, ‘Brand Britain’, cultural awareness, and applying his “Chocolate Box methodology’ in helping other SMEs
Episode 58 – Mike Pagan
Mike Pagan talks us through how we can look after our mental wealth and the importance of having the right support systems in place.
Making Conversations about resilience Count: Episode 57, Roger Cheetham
Roger Cheetham is the ultimate definition of resilience, having survived the unsurvivable and now an award-winning international speaker & resilience specialist.
Making Conversations about video Count: Episode 56, Simon Banks
Simon talks about how using video for your business marketing helps customers engage with you – and want to buy from you – because video tells a story.
Making Conversations about taking action Count: Episode 55, Brad Sugars
Brad Sugars is the founder of ActionCOACH®. Action Coach is the leading business coach franchise, working with leaders to take action and grow their business.
Episode 54 – Rob Illidge
Rob Illidge founded social republic, an agency defining how to stop the scroll on social media and create engaging content that your customers notice.
Episode 53 – Jon Ferrara
Andrew Stotz is an investment research specialist. He shares the importance of investing in the future, in employees, and investing in good financial reporting.
Episode 52 – Andrew Stotz
Andrew Stotz is an investment research specialist. He shares the importance of investing in the future, in employees, and investing in good financial reporting.
Episode 51 – Ros Conkie
Ros Conkie can teach you to engineer a marketing machine that’ll accelerate your business growth. Marketing training, coaching, and consultancy.
Episode 50 – Pete Cann
Larry Long Jnr is a sales coach that helps give people, teams, and organizations the motivation to go from good to great.
Episode 49 – Larry Long Jnr
Larry Long Jnr is a sales coach that helps give people, teams, and organizations the motivation to go from good to great.
Episode 48 – Joe Chatham
Joe Chatham set up USA 500. It’s an exclusive member-based organization focusing on sharing his expertise in marketing relationships and networking.
Episode 47 – Ann Page
Ann Page is a lawyer who helps other lawyers with her courses. She teaches valuable business skills and teaches the importance of avoiding jargon.
Episode 46 – Sudhir Kumar
Sudhir Kumar is an expert in social selling to grow your business, he’s written a book ‘Being Human: Marketing & Social Selling in a Digital World’.
Episode 45 – Dan Knowlton
Dan Knowlton and his brother Lloyd run Knowlton – a social media and video advertising company who create unique, funny content to stop the scroll.
Episode 44 – Rob Begg
Rob Begg is a results based mindset coach to business leaders & teams. In this episode, he talks about your ego and self-limiting beliefs many of us hold.
Episode 43 – Ruth Driscoll
Ruth Driscoll supports people through toxic relationships. Her company the ‘life liberator’ takes her personal experiences to help others.
Episode 42 – Brynne Tillman
Brynne Tillman is a social selling expert. Her company ‘Social Sales Link’ teaches the importance of connection for selling on LinkedIn and other platforms.
Episode 41 – Jonathan Chase
Look into my eyes! You will feel very sleepy! You guessed it, we’re having one of our many conversations that count with hypnosis star Jonathan Chase.
Episode 40 – Stella Da Silva
Stella Da Silva talks about vocations in this episode, as a specialist employability trainer she shares her insider knowledge.
What skills do you need to be employable?
Episode 39 – Jennie Eriksen
Jennie Eriksen is a voice over artist, her company name is Lovely Voice. She helps her intended listener to learn by being able to bring characters to life.
Episode 38 – Ian Genius
Ian Genius is the sales coach to help you gain confidence in sales. His Ingenious technique helps clients see the value of your best package to COMMAND a higher price.
Episode 37 – Graham Nash
Graham Nash, BusinessWise Accountants, has worked in many fields over the years and the one common denominator has been helping business turnaround.
Episode 36 – David Smith
David Smith MBE is a Paralympian in the sport Boccia. Do you know what Boccia is? David tells you in this episode all about the most inclusive Paralympian sport that helps people with their independence.
Episode 35 – Marina Hauer
Marina Hauer is a branding specialist for independent coaches. Are you using three different brand ‘voices’ in your marketing efforts? We’re making conversations about branding count!
Episode 34 – Kim-Adele Platts
Kim-Adele Platts, Career Development Coach. Making Conversations about Leadership Count! If you don’t believe in yourself how do you expect others to? This was a question and topic that surfaced during this powerful and insightful conversation with Kim-Adele Platts.
Episode 33 – Ann Hobbs
Ann Hobbs helps people to self-publish their books with Forward Thinking Publishing. She is also a coach and author of her book ‘Kick ass your life’, helping people to push through adversity.
Episode 32 – Masami Sato
Masami Sato set up the B1G1 initiative. Helping businesses to do good by giving back. When was the last time you gave, freely Not for tax reasons. And not because you felt awkward at a raffle. We could all always do more.
Episode 31 – Paul Furlong
Paul Furlong is part of Opus Media, producing TV advertising, videos, and photographs for businesses. He knows a thing or two about visual branding, and is considered a advertising guru!
Episode 30 – Sarah Townsend
Sarah Townsend is a freelance copywriter and best-selling author of the book ‘survival skills for freelancers’. In this episode, we discuss the importance of conversations in the freelance world, and how things can lead to many opportunities…
Episode 29 – Mandy Ward
Mandy Ward is a book mentor, helping people to write their own books under the company ‘Write my book’. Mandy is also an author herself, including the popular children’s book ‘The Cuddle Monster’.
Episode 28 – Ray Blakney
Making conversations about language count… Ray Blakney is the CEO And founder of online language school Live Lingua. Can you speak another language other than your native tongue? Wendy admitted to the “Making Conversations Count” team that she doesn’t, and we can’t help but feel she’s definitely not alone.
Episode 27 – Will Polston
Making conversations about wealth….and Clubhouse….count! Paying it forward. Acting from a position of generosity and giving within the law of reciprocity. We’re talking to Will Polston.
Episode 26 – Wendy Harris
Wendy Harris is an expert telemarketer, who has years worth of experience in cold-calling and doing it right. Now a podcast host, Wendy shares her story and how she became an advocate for making conversations count!
Episode 25 – Jonny Cooper
Most business owners hate marketing. That’s probably because they don’t understand it. Someone who does get marketing is Jonny Cooper, and even he can’t stand it! In fact, he despises it so much, he built a business around it. Welcome to Jonny Hates Marketing! This week we’re making conversations about messaging count. Messaging is so important to get correct. Your entire marketing voice depends on it. That’s why you need to listen very carefully to Jonny Cooper.
Episode 24 – Nik Venios
We reflect on how this business man helped his poorly mother solve a household challenge which led to a career of making conversations about ideas and innovation count. We will all eventually lose our parents. Sadly, it’s a part of life. Not many of us have to suffer that loss at the tender age of just six. We couldn’t think of a nicer guy to help us with our goal of making conversations about ideas count. Truly, if anyone can hold a conversation about ideas, it’s Nik Venios of the Ideas Agency. Did you know that NASA has a genius test? During this episode, you’ll find out all about this, and the fascinating stats surrounding it.
Episode 23 – Steve Judge
A life-changing accident that almost claimed a life but actually birthed a mindset shift. Making conversations about speaking count!
Imagine losing your limbs in an accident.
That’s a real human test.
Most people would fall into one of two camps.
Feel the loss, and struggle to overcome it, before essentially accepting your ‘job lot’ and just becoming a bit angry.
Many would. And they’d be forgiven.
Then there are others, who would not let it defeat them, or define them.
Steve Judge is definitely in the latter of the two camps.
Episode 22 – Niraj Kapur
In this episode, Wendy is joined by Online Sales Coach Niraj Kapur from “Everybody works in Sales” a business that helps companies with their sales processes.
Episode 21 – Heidi Medina
This episode contains one of our most important conversations, so we’re definitely going to make it count!
Wendy Harris brings Heidi Medina into the conversation today, who opens up the conversation about abuse she has encountered.
She’s a Linkedin expert and business coach who is the exact opposite of the classic ‘my way or the highway’.
Whether you meet Heidi online or in person she is the same.
Episode 20 – Vicki Carroll (formerly O’Neill)
Vicki works with entrepreneurs, small business owners and executive leaders who are stuck in their business and need someone as a partner to coach them to their next level of success. Vicki offers growth marketing consultant advice, strategy plans & also organises in-house marketing teams.
Episode 19 – Taz Thornton & Asha Clearwater
Making conversations about partnerships count. In a Making Conversations Count first, we are joined by two dynamic guests in this episode. Both Taz & Asha provide business coach services in different areas. Joining Wendy chatting about all the elements that make up a great debate. You are not going to want to miss the observations with Taz Thornton and Asha Clearwater around questioning, opinions, debate and discernment that makes for wonderful colourful conversations.